Holy Family University Weather Alert

Inclement Weather Procedures

University Policy

In case of inclement weather in the forecast, we want to ensure everyone is prepared to continue their work and studies remotely if necessary. All official notifications of changes to the schedule will be delivered to your University email account or phone number in Self-Service. Additionally, community members can opt-in to receive inclement weather notifications sent to a mobile device via the LiveSafe app.

Please review the following guidelines for your respective role.


Our primary concern is maintaining your academic continuity. Please:

  • Monitor your University email regularly for communications from your faculty
  • Ensure you can access Canvas and your course materials from home*
  • Test your internet connection and device compatibility before any potential weather events
  • Save important assignments and documents in your University Google Drive

*The Office of the Dean of Students is prepared to aid students that may have limited or no access to laptop technology. Students should be directed to the referral form to request assistance in acquiring an on-loan and/or permanent laptop. A case manager will work directly with the student; an IT helpdesk ticket and/or referral to the helpdesk is not necessary or required. Note that laptop technology assistance may be limited due to technology availability.


To facilitate seamless remote instruction, please note the following.

Canvas Integration Tools

  1. Setting up Google Meet in Canvas:

    1. Navigate to your course

    2. Select "Google Meet" from the left navigation

    3. Click "New Meeting"

  2. Setting up Webex in Canvas (Webex - Instructors):

    1. Go to your course settings

    2. Enable the Webex tool

    3. Create meetings directly from your course page

The Office of Academic Technology can assist with these integrations. Please don't hesitate to contact them to support setting up these tools in your courses.


Please take the following preventive measures:

  • Take your University-supplied laptop home each evening during inclement weather seasons
  • Verify your VPN is properly installed and functioning
  • Test your VPN connection from home before it's needed
  • Remember: University data must only be accessed through University-issued devices

Technical Support

If you need help with these preparations, please submit a help desk ticket at helpdesk@ndkllx.com or open a Help Desk ticket. Our IT support team will promptly respond to your ticket.

You can also visit the MyHFU portal for access to the updated contact directory.

Other Helpful Resources

Canvas Support

Canvas Resources

We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring our community remains connected and productive during weather-related disruptions.